Danny Griffin letter to the editor


Recently I noticed a wedding party at a resort near the beach all giddy and excited about the big day. The bride chose the man to marry, whom she believed would be the best man to provide for her future, provide a nice house, financial security, protection and a home their family could be raised in. She knows that a house is the structure that protects them from the elements, but a home is the environment, the values and the intangibles that are important for raising a healthy and a happy family. They seemed to make a nice couple, however, I couldn’t help but notice how she kept smiling at the best man. I wondered to myself: Well, if that guy is considered the best man, why didn’t she pick him instead?

We don’t have that dilemma when we go to the polls on Aug. 28 to elect a new governor. One of the candidates is clearly the “Best Man.” He is our very own Ponte Vedra Beach resident and our current District 6 Congressman, Ron DeSantis, who has shown us that he is committed to doing what is right and protecting us from what is wrong. Isn’t that just what we want a governor to do? Strong leadership is what we see as he does work on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Judiciary Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee and a bevy of subcommittees. DeSantis has shown he has our best interest at heart unlike his opponent who is beholding to some special interest who provided large donations to his campaign. It’s obvious to me, and clearly obvious to many prospective Florida voters, since he holds a commanding lead in the polls, that Ron DeSantis is clearly the “Best Man.”