St. Johns County barrier island bridges remain closed, may not reopen until Tuesday


According to the St. Johns County Emergency Operations Center, the barrier island bridges remain closed and may not reopen until Tuesday, Sept. 12.

Officials said they're closed due to sustained tropical storm force winds (with higher gusts) along the Atlantic coast.

Bridges will not reopen until wind speeds drop to a level at which passenger vehicles can safely pass and the bridges and approaches are inspected and cleared by Florida Department of Transportation engineers.

In addition, county representatives said that first responders are discovering numerous hazards as they conduct initial damage assessments in the evacuation zones. They are finding many downed trees, power lines and roads covered in water and debris. St. Johns County firefighters and Sheriff’s Office deputies are coordinating with county road and bridge and electric companies to clear these hazards, but it will take time.

The public and local media will be notified as soon as the bridges are reopened for travel. Announcements will first be posted to all county web sites and social media pages.

For more information, please visit or call 904.824.5550.