Guest Column

9 tips for decluttering any room


Is there a cluttered room in your home that you want to clean up and reclaim? Have you tried to tackle it but get distracted and/or overwhelmed? These simple tips can help you get started, let go and make measurable progress.

Determine where to start

Sometimes the hardest part of any project is getting started! Here are some ideas for where to begin:

  1. Start with the floor

If the floor is cluttered, start there. This will reduce trip-and-fall hazards and allow you to move around safely.

  1. Work top down

If the floor is clear, start with clearing surfaces from the top down, including paperwork.

  1. Go clockwise

Still not sure where to start? Pick a starting point and clear every square inch before moving to the next spot.

Ask yourself these helpful questions

Talking to yourself out loud can be incredibly effective! Try asking yourself these questions:

  1. Question #1:

"When is the last time I used this?" If you keep the item, move to Question #2.

  1. Question #2

"If I didn't already own this, would I buy it now?" If you keep the item, move to Question #3.

  1. Question #3:

"When will I use it again?" It's okay to keep things you love that have happy memories or are for special occasions.

Set simple, fun goals

Gamifying a decluttering project can make it a fun challenge rather than a tedious task. Just be sure to mix it up! These techniques work with children of all ages, from 2 to 100:

  1. Set a time goal:

Examples: “I’ll spend two hours on the garage today,” or "Let's see how fast I can clean off my desk/unload the dishwasher."

  1. Set a quantity goal:

“I'm going to put away 30 items,” or "I'm going to get rid of 20 pieces of clothing."

  1. Set an area goal:

"I'll completely clean this corner, pile or shelf, etc."

Bonus tip:

Have trouble staying in the room? Put a box by the door for items that belong elsewhere in your home. When you finish your decluttering session, put those things away.

Follow these tips and you will make painless progress on your decluttering project!

Barbara Trapp is a certified professional organizer and productivity coach. She is the owner of Zen Your Den and Zen Your Biz and can be reached at and