Local Realtor group CBV Cares representative Nancy Hammond presented Beaches Council on Aging Executive Director Lori Anderson a grant check for $500 for the nonprofit’s Dial-A-Ride program on Thursday, June 24.
The Dial-A- Ride program was designed to meet the need for seniors and disabled persons in the Jacksonville Beaches area.
“We focus on senior well-being by transporting them to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, etc.,” Anderson said about the program. “We also transport dialysis patients to their treatments. We are supported by our Beaches community and have been operating for 46 years. These funds will help keep our wheels turning!”
For more information on the Dial-A-Ride program, contact at landerson@beachesdialaride.org or (650) 743-3232. The Council on Aging and Dial-A-Ride program is located at 281 19th Ave. South in Jacksonville Beach.
For more information on the Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty Group CBV Cares, contact Chair Carole Bayer at cbayerrealtor@gmail.com or (904) 860-5000. The Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty Beaches office is located at 240 Ponte Vedra Park Blvd., Suite 201, in Ponte Vedra Beach.