Three Bolles robotics teams comprised of students from both Bolles Lower School campuses and the Bolles Middle School Bartram Campus achieved high accolades during the FIRST LEGO League qualifying tournament Dec. 9 at Edward Waters College.
The event marked the first time in program history that three Bolles robotics teams participated in the tournament and brought home awards.
The Bolles Ponte Vedra Beach Campus “Bolles Bots” won the Rookie Rising Star Award. Team coach Jennifer Moore said the Ponte Vedra Beach Campus “did a great job in the robot challenge with a ton of points."
In addition, the Bolles Lower School Whitehurst Campus “Bolles Bots” won the Core Values Award, while the Bolles Middle School Bartram “Bolles Bots” team won the Robot Design Award, earning a bid for the regional tournament slated for Feb. 3.
Since August 2017, the coaching staff consisting of Jennifer Moore, Beth Zerkowski, Carolyn Houston and Mark Meyers have trained Bolles' robotics students with sessions before, during and after school. Students learned building, programming and real-world problem-solving skills in preparation for the FIRST LEGO tournament.