Sept. 17 marked the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United States Air Force, and the occasion was celebrated by residents and staff at Cypress Village. The Loon’s Nest Bar and Grill was filled with resident veterans and friends as the community honored the patriotism of those men and women who answered the call to serve their country.
Resident Bob Bathke was celebrated for his service in the Air Force, and Erlane Tait was honored for her husband's service as well. Guests enjoyed cake and wine as they shared stories of service and engaged in some friendly banter between the veterans from different branches of service.
The Department of the Air Force, an agency of the Department of Defense, was established on Sept. 18, 1947. On Sept. 26, 1947, by order of the Secretary of Defense, personnel of the Army Air Forces were transferred from the Department of the Army (formerly the War Department) to the Department of the Air Force and established as the United States Air Force.
Cypress Village proudly boasts more than 150 veterans from the various branches of military service, and celebrations like this are not uncommon as they regularly honor those who served their country and live at the community.
Even as Cypress Village residents and staff wrapped up the celebration, they were looking ahead to Oct. 13, when they plan to celebrate the 247th birthday of the U.S. Navy.