Designers share their new normal for supporting local businesses and American-made companies


For an exceptionally long time, designers and consumers alike have relied on imported goods and furnishings for their design projects.

We are accustomed to seeing labels from other countries for furniture, accessories, fabrics, rugs, flooring and the list goes on and on.

We now have opportunity to think about a new way to structure our businesses and share our successes within our communities.

Did you know, you can discover several American-made furniture companies online and in the Jacksonville area?

Who doesn’t love finding a local piece of art or an American-made piece of furniture for your home?

As a customer, it feels great to know that you are helping real people, even people you may know personally, support their families and their dreams by shopping American.

By using local businesses and American-made products, we can support our country and make buying local our new norm!