Feel healthy, feel self-confident


Health is more than just the way we look. However, the way we look is directly related to our self-confidence and the way we feel about ourselves. When setting goals for your physical appearance, remember to base them off your body and not the people you see online. Every body is different and the way you respond to dietary and activity changes will be different than another person.

Creating a plan is the key to being successful in every aspect of life. When making lifestyle changes to improve your overall health, remember to set a primary goal and work backward. Set the intention for your year, then break it into quarterly marks. These should move you toward the primary goal. After you have your quarterly marks, create 30-day plans. Evaluate your progress every 30 days to make sure you are moving in the right direction. Always enter your tasks on a calendar. This will turn, what once seemed, a huge feat into manageable actions.

When making your plan, seeking the guidance of a trained professional, such as a personal trainer and/or dietitian will help you create goals specifically for you. The internet is full of self-proclaimed experts and that can be a dangerous thing. Find professionals who are well educated, experienced, certified and licensed in their fields of expertise.

The vital parts of every well-rounded fitness program include; exercise, nutrition, sleep, and recovery. Exercise is meant to push you, but not to burn you out. The way you move your body should have purpose and help you become stronger and less prone to injury. Nutrition provides your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help you have energy and to help your body repair. Sleep is when your body goes to work to heal, reduce stress, improve immunities, balance your hormones, and support healthy brain and body functions. Recovery days are the days you allow your body to move freely without the stress of wear and tear from exercise. Recovery days can be spent moving, but the movement should be more restorative (yoga is a great example). 

Once you find what works for your body, stick with it. If I had a magic pill, I would call it consistency. The more consistent you are, the easier life is. Then we can make small changes and more consistent progress over longer periods of time. Our bodies like routines and consistent action. Being consistent with your efforts and having the determination to push through challenges will create amazing results for you, both mentally and physically.

Another key to being successful is by surrounding yourself with people who support your vision. Make sure they know what your goals are and how they can help keep you accountable. Sharing your progress with others and having them celebrate your success with you ensures you will continue to reach new personal goals and you may even find that you can accomplish more than you originally thought you were able.

Remember to move and nourish your body daily.

Marie Merritt is the Owner of Momentum Wellness in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. She is a Nationally certified personal trainer and has been in the industry for over 15 years.