Keep your pets safe this Halloween


9 to 5 Pets recently shared these “Top 5 Halloween Pet Tips” to help ensure your furry friends have a safe and enjoyable holiday without any spooky surprises:

ID Tags and Microchips

Ensure your pet has proper identification, including a collar with an updated ID tag and a registered microchip. In case your pet gets scared and escapes during Halloween festivities, it will be easier to reunite with them.

Candy Safety and Wrapper Cleanup

Keep Halloween candy out of your pet's reach. Chocolate, xylitol (found in sugar-free gum and candies) and some other ingredients can be toxic to animals. Even wrappers can pose a choking hazard. After Halloween, make sure to clean up candy wrappers and other debris. Pets may be attracted to the smells, and ingesting wrappers can lead to digestive issues.

Glow Sticks and Jewelry

Be cautious with glow sticks and jewelry. Pets may be attracted to the glowing objects, but the chemicals inside can be toxic. Keep them out of your pet's reach.


Some pets may get anxious or agitated with a constant stream of visitors at the door. If your pet is nervous, consider keeping them in a quiet and comfortable room away from the front door.

Keep Pets Indoors

On Halloween night, it's a good idea to keep pets indoors, even if they usually spend time outside. This helps prevent them from escaping or getting scared by noisy celebrations.