Cade Eidam, a sixth-grade student from Landrum Middle School, will participate in the 2017 Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC) in Washington, D.C., from July 16 through July 21.
Cade was nominated to attend the conference last spring by his music teacher Jennifer Schlechte at Ocean Palms Elementary. He graduated from fifth grade with straight A’s, earning a spot on the honor roll. He plans to pursue a career as a professional athlete, and he aspires to be an effective leader.
The JrNYLC is an Envision program that provides a historical view of leadership and encourages young scholars to develop their own leadership skills and strategies for success in the 21st century.
“The Junior National Young Leaders Conference enables students to recognize their own leadership abilities in the context of great men and women from the past and present,” said Andrew Potter, chief academic officer for Envision. “They return home with new confidence in their ability to make a positive impact in their school and communities. Washington, D.C., serves as the perfect backdrop for this inspiring program to generate a new generation of U.S. leaders.”
At the six-day conference, sixth, seventh and eighth grade students take part in workshops and simulations to expand their leadership abilities. Scholars explore historically significant sites, such as Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and memorials throughout Washington, D.C., to reflect upon and learn from leaders and events of the past.
“The students gain greater sense of themselves, their roles to preserve American democracy and their responsibilities as tomorrow’s leaders,” Potter said.
Students like Cade will work with peers at the conference to create action plans for change to put into practice when they return home.
For more information about the Junior National Young Leaders Conference, visit