Local woman authors children’s books with a message


As a mother and grandmother, Jacksonville author Sharron Collins cares deeply about protecting children from bullying and sexual abuse. Through her writing, her speaking engagements, her sit-and-read sessions with young students and her organization, Mpowerment U, she is making a difference for the next generation.

“It just makes me feel good to know that I can make an impression, or, you know, leave a mark with the young people today,” she said.

But every journey must begin somewhere, and the end goal is not always easily discerned in advance.

Collins grew up the daughter of a single, hard-working mother in a neighborhood of Philadelphia. As a child, she experienced hardships that perhaps planted the first seeds for the compassionate advocate she is today.

“I feel like, if I’m doing my part to help someone else become better, then I’m fulfilling the destiny that the Lord has designed for me,” Collins said.

After earning degrees in the law and working as a paralegal where she saw a lot of cases involving juveniles, she felt moved to help children before they ended up in the legal system. She went on to teach in middle and high school.

That, in turn, led to greater commitment — not just for youths, but also for the adults in their lives, because there is a connection.

“Our kids are suffering in part because their parent is,” Collins explained.

In September 2023, Collins founded Mpowerment U, which promotes literacy and self-awareness in youth, but also provides supporting services for parents and guardians and involves educators.

“I partner with different organizations in the community to give back,” she said. “Mpowerment U kind of creates a safe space for the child and the parent to be able to talk about how they feel, express how they feel, and not have someone judging them, looking down on them. My job is to connect them to resources that they may not know are already available to them.”

One of those partners is Subliminal Dreamz Inc., a Jacksonville organization that helps youth reach their full potential. Through a grant, Collins has been able to speak to middle school students on various topics important to their formation, such as bullying and peer pressure.

In February 2024, Collins authored her first book, “It’s Okay to Say No.” The 28-page book for young readers uses various scenarios to help them understand the importance of recognizing situations where they should just say no.

And not just when it involves strangers.

“The stranger is not the Big Bad Wolf all the time,” Collins said. “It could be your next-door neighbor, or someone in your own home. I just want them to be mindful that ‘no’ is one of the most powerful tools they have in their arsenal.”

Her next book, set to be published soon, is “No Room for Bullies,” written for older elementary school students. It was inspired by one of her own daughters’ experience with bullying.

“The overall goal for that book is just to be more mindful of bullying; it’s so serious,” Collins said. “Bullying takes place in every facet of life. Even at work, people are bullied. I try to write books that are both for children and parents alike.”

In fact, her third book will be more focused on a more adult readership. It will contain about a dozen of her motivational and inspirational poems. It’s going so well, she has begun to work on a second volume.

“I’m really, really excited about the things that God has given to me and opened up for me to do,” she said.

The books serve a second purpose: They will help to fund Mpowerment U and its mission. Toward that end, Collins also sells novelty items, including mugs and keychains.

In August, Mpowerment U held its first Women’s Empowerment Conference and in December it held its Mental Health Monologues Open Mic Night.

“Mental health is very important to me,” Collins said. “There are a lot of things Mpowerment U is really trying to answer: bullying, the safety of kids, that ‘it’s OK to say no’ … ”

In addition to these projects, Collins enjoys giving back. She joined Margaret Meier, president of Ultrashred Technologies, for Thanksgiving and Christmas drives at Hubbard House, which serves victims of domestic violence and their families.

“I chose Hubbard House because that’s important to me,” Collins explained.

“It’s Okay to Say No” is available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. Collins’ other works will be available soon.