As an acupuncture physician with Beaches Acupuncture & Wellness Center, Sandy Bennett helps local residents address a variety of ailments and conditions using acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
What services does Beaches Acupuncture & Wellness Center provide?
At Beaches Acupuncture & Wellness Center we offer acupuncture, Chinese herbs, nutritional counseling, Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture, body talk, kinesiology, and nutritional balance and testing.
How did you first become interested in acupuncture?
I was looking for an alternative way to live a healthy life. Many of my friends had started to take prescriptions medications that caused side effects, which required them to take another medication. I did not want to go down that path. I wanted to do something to help myself without hurting myself at the same time. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are over 5,000 years old. It wouldn’t have survived if it didn’t work. So, I started seeing an acupuncturist and decided this was how I would help others.
What are some of the ailments and issues that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can treat?
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can treat almost anything Western medicine can treat. Generally what causes people to search me out are infertility, back issues, hormonal imbalance, allergies, high blood pressure, shoulder/knee/hip pain, headaches/migraines, nervous system issues, digestive system issues, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and the list continues.
What is Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture?
Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture is a procedure that requires twice weekly treatments for five weeks. It is a total body treatment that focuses on the face. The procedure stimulates the dermal layer of skin to produce collagen that fills in under trouble areas of the face to push the wrinkles out. Besides aligning the body, Mei Zen refreshes the face and gives it a healthy glow! Consider it a mini face lift with acupuncture needles, with the added benefit of better digestion, better sleep, less stress, and an overall balancing of hormones which reduces hot flashes if you are prone to them.
What sort of results do your clients typically see?
Generally, acupuncture treatments build over time. I do have clients that come in because of a sudden back issue when they can hardly move. They usually search me out after they have tried their doctor and chiropractor. After one treatment, they are 50 to 70 percent better. With an additional treatment or two, I can have them functioning normally. I also show them exercises to do to help prevent back issues in the future. Any long-standing issue will take longer to clear, but acute issues can be dealt with in a short amount of treatments.
How do you enjoy spending your free time?
I love the water so I spend time kayaking and stand up paddling (SUP). I also love to ride my Eliptigo!