Palm Valley Road sidewalk funding approved


The Palm Valley Community Association has announced that the state and county have included funding in their 2023 budgets to fill the sidewalk gaps along the west side of Palm Valley Road to the State Road A1A intersection from Landrum Road.

"When completed, the sidewalk will connect the community from the east side of the Palm Valley Bridge to the S.R. A1A intersection and north through Ponte Vedra Beach,” said Garry Phillips, association president. “People can enjoy walking   to school, church, work, or run errands.”

In April, the Board of County Commissioners reached a consensus that, contingent upon the sidewalk project being in legislation approved on July 1, they would finance the remainder of the project and move forward without delay. The sidewalk project has now been approved.

"It has taken the PVCA about 10 years of community engagement working with the BCC and staff to bring this crucial road safety project to fruition," said Jayne Evans, the association’s sidewalk committee chair. “We appreciate the work of many neighbors and elected officials who recognized the need and supported this project." 

State Rep. Cyndi Stevenson helped secure the $800,000 in the Florida House appropriations bill for the Palm Valley Road Sidewalk Project.

"I am delighted that we were able to get state funding for this sidewalk for Palm Valley, and for the community and county support that made the project possible,” said Stevenson.

"We are one step closer to making a continuous sidewalk on the west side of Palm Valley Road a reality,” said County Commission Chair Henry Dean. “I appreciate the governor's commitment to funding a portion of this project. Now, the Board of County Commissioners and staff can work on bringing it to the finish line. This project is about improving road safety for an important community connector, and I'm thrilled to get it started."

"I commend the residents who live near Palm Valley Road for their years of dedication and advocacy throughout this project," said District 4 County Commissioner Jeremiah Blocker. “I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with our citizens to fulfill this critical infrastructure project for our community. I look forward to working with my fellow board members and county staff to fully fund the remainder of the Palm Valley Road Sidewalk Project."

"The PVCA looks forward to celebrating the project's groundbreaking and, finally, the sidewalk's completion with a Palm Valley Road Community Walk," said Evans.