The 12th annual Lemon Bar Luau will be held Oct. 14, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Lemon Bar in Neptune Beach.
The event will include a silent auction, door prizes, raffle, steel drum band and food from Beaches area restaurants like Sliders, Mellow Mushroom, Angie’s, Mojo’s, Mezza and more. All proceeds will benefit the Beaches Resource Center, which helps Beaches children and families.
Tickets can be purchased online at or at the Beaches Resource Center. The cost is $35 per person in advance and $40 per person at the door. Small business and corporate sponsorships are available from $250 to $5,000. Restaurant owners interested in food sponsorship can email Laura Acker at for more information or call her at (904) 270-8200.
The Beaches Resource Center is one of seven Full Service School locations. Full Service Schools of Jacksonville is a neighborhood-based collaboration designed to remove non-academic barriers from a child’s success in school. All services are free and include behavioral help for children, individual/family counseling, mentoring, parenting help, case management and substance abuse counseling.