Ponte Vedra girls soccer falls to Stanton in playoffs
Piper Dotsikas (4) of Ponte Vedra is surrounded by a group of Stanton defenders as she heads to the host’s goal.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
Tatum Taucher (5) picks up a pass for the attacking Sharks.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
Kai Hayes (10) advances the ball as the Stanton defenders close in.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
Lucy Schmachtenberger (20) fights to control the ball for the Sharks.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
Lucy Schmachtenberger (20) tries to gain control of a loose ball that eluded the Stanton goalkeeper.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
The Stanton keeper foils Reilly Tarbet’s attempt to head in a corner kick.
Photo by Jerry and Chris Norton
The Ponte Vedra girls soccer team lost to Stanton 2-0 on Friday, Feb. 9 in playoff action. The team finished the season 12-8-2.