Guest Column

Reframe resolutions to make fitness goals more attainable


Since we have just entered the new year, most people are thinking about the goals they want to accomplish and the things about themselves that they want to change.

Most people want to look better, to improve their health and to basically reinvent who they are in order to become the person they think they should be. When we make all these changes and set expectations for ourselves to do all of this at once, it removes any margin for error, and we inevitably don’t live up to our high expectations and we feel like we have failed, so we give up.

Let me reframe resolutions for you. First, try to set a few small goals for yourself and only change one or two behaviors at a time. I recommend adding in small amounts of activity every day, such as walking after a meal, going to the gym a couple times per week, or moving your body by doing something fun and outside your normal activities.


The more we move, the better we feel, and the more likely we are to integrate more activity without it being a chore. When we feel better, we look better and the effect grows exponentially.

When it comes to changing our dietary habits, making small changes, like drinking more water or eating more vegetables will set us up for more long term success versus trying to do some crazy crash diet and failing within weeks of beginning.

Here are the secrets to success. Create a plan. Write it out. Be consistent in your efforts to achieve what you want.

When working with clients, I sit with them and help create a schedule for their lives. We create consistent sleep and wake times. We put when to move and when to eat on their calendar so their bodies know what to expect. We also work around their current lives, so the changes are easy to integrate into their current behavior patterns. When creating a schedule for yourself, take a look at all the moving parts of your life and add movement in.

When we feel better, our self esteem improves and people will notice.

Create an environment for success by having an accountability structure and let people know what you are trying to achieve.