Residents honored at annual Rotary Local Heroes Banquet
Five members of the community were recognized by the Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach and The Recorder for their exemplary service to the local community. Scott Hetzinger, Lyn Gabrielson, Lori Richards, Cody Langley and Bill and JoAnn Lee were each honored and received plaques.
Photo by Susan Griffin
Scott Hetzinger was recognized as the behind-the-scenes force behind Lend an Ear to help ensure the nonprofit organization continues its life-altering work.
Photo by Susan Griffin
Lyn Gabrielsen was recognized for her unwavering commitment to volunteer service at local schools.
Photo by Susan Griffin
Cody Langley is a high school student and was recognized for leading by example.
Photo by Susan Griffin
Bill and JoAnn Lee were recognized for their years of faithful commitment to community service.
Photo by Susan Griffin
Lori Richards’ daughter Kate Savage accepted the award for her mom, who was unable to attend the ceremony. Lori was recognized as the retiring leader of BEAM and for her years of nonprofit leadership in northeast Florida.
The Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach and The Recorder held the 31st Annual Local Heroes Banquet at Marsh Landing Country Club on May 25. Five residents were recognized for their various forms of dedication to the community and were each presented with a 2023 local hero award.