Riverwood Women’s Club raises more than $7,400 for Alpha-Omega Miracle Home


The Riverwood Women’s Club in Del Webb Ponte Vedra at Nocatee held a luncheon and social on Nov. 14 at the Anastasia Club to benefit the Alpha-Omega Miracle Home.

The event was named “The Season of Giving.”  The club’s outreach committee, led by Linda Ommerborn and Virginia Marchesiello, coordinated many Del Webb neighborhood representatives to assemble more than 60 gift baskets that were raffled off to raise funds.

More than 250 women attended the event and participated in the cause. In December, the club also raffled off a golf outing donated by the Sawgrass Country Club. The combined proceeds of these two events totaled more than $7,400.

Club president Patti Russell presented Lisa Franklin, founder and CEO of The Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, a check at the December Women’s Club meeting held at the Sawgrass Country Club.

Franklin presented The Women’s Club with a Certificate of Appreciation at the event.