St. Augustine Humane Society’s annual Pin Up Paws Calendar returns


Fluff up your tail and find your fanciest collar. It’s time for the St. Augustine Humane Society’s annual Pin Up Paws Calendar!

The 15th iteration of the popular calendar will feature St. Augustine’s winningest pets in a “Sweet Things” theme. The 13 pets that gather the most votes will be featured in the yearly calendar, with their adorableness captured in a professional photo shoot — 80 animals total will be included. Photo submissions began on Wednesday, May 1.

“When you enter your pet into the Pin Up Paws Contest, you’re not just showing everyone how sweet they are,” says Carolyn Sindad Smith, executive director of the St. Augustine Humane Society. “You're helping many pets who would otherwise not receive the lifesaving care they need to thrive and live happy, full lives. That’s the wonderful part of this fundraiser. It’s cute, it’s fun and there are so many ways to support our critical work.”

Owners can submit their pets’ photos for a chance to win. Voting continues through Saturday, July 13, at 8 p.m. Each vote is a fundraiser: $1 equals one vote. You can vote as many times and for as many pets as you wish. The top 13 animals will secure a spot in the 2025 “Sweet Things” Pin Up Paws Calendar.

The pet with the most votes will grace the cover, while the 12 second-place winners will represent the months; all pets will enjoy a professional photo shoot with award-winning photographer Addison Fitzgerald. Fine artist and graphic designer Maribel Angel will add her whimsical touch to the designs.

The calendar will be unveiled and available for purchase at the Pin Up Paws Party on Thursday, Oct. 24, at The White Room. The event promises a delightful evening with dinner, live music, a silent auction, a wine pull and more.

The first-place pet also receives a $100 gift certificate to the Columbia Restaurant, two tickets to the Pin Up Paws Party and two copies of the calendar. The second-place winners receive a $50 Columbia Restaurant gift certificate and two calendars.

Twelve runners-up will be featured with their submission photos and a description. The top 80 pet fundraisers will have a small photo on a collage page.

All proceeds from submissions, vote donations and sales go toward supporting the lifesaving programs of the St. Augustine Humane Society.

To enter a pet, go to

The St. Augustine Humane Society, located at 1665 Old Moultrie Road in St. Augustine, promotes healthy, responsible, lifelong pet ownership by serving the medical and rehabilitative needs of companion animals in the community. They help prevent animals from entering shelters by providing low-cost services, training, food and support.

To make a donation or learn more, go to and follow along on Facebook @StAugustineHumaneSociety and Instagram @StAugHumane.