The Bailey Group has earned the Gold Level Award for 2017’s Healthiest Companies presented by the First Coast Worksite Wellness Council (FCWWC) and the Mayor’s Council on Fitness & Well-Being.
“This is our third year earning this award level, and we are overly grateful for our leadership team’s continued support of wellness,” said Jaime Sanders, director of health promotion at The Bailey Group. “With their continued support, we have successfully built a culture of health within our organization by offering daily wellness walks, annual on-site screenings with health coaching and monthly fitness center reimbursements, encouraging our staff to have a work/life balance and offering various wellness initiatives that motivate our staff towards healthy behaviors.”
To earn the recognition, the St. Augustine-based employee benefits firm demonstrated that they have a well-rounded and sustainable workplace wellness program that is a strategic and integral part of the business. The Bailey Group’s health promotion department, consisting of Sanders, Hanna Chester, Bailey Mullin, Savannah Tinlin and Gabrielle Lobban, accepted the award at a ceremony in May at the University of North Florida.
The FCWWC is an initiative of Healthy Jacksonville 2020. The mission of the council is to improve the health of the First Coast community by sharing resources and providing guidance to the member businesses. This group was charged with impacting community health through the business community and creating a platform for local businesses to be recognized for excellence in worksite wellness.