quilt lady

When traveling stateside is a given


I have had it right now with travel to foreign lands, or at least for a spell. I’ve discovered that I am a wimp when it comes to thinking about coming into contact with people who obviously hate Americans. I truly don’t understand people who just hate us because we are who we are.

I was taught to love everyone, as was sung in our songs in Sunday School every Sunday of my young life. Remember this one? “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” When I was about seven years old, I kept trying to visualize a person who was all those colors; then when I got into English class in school, I realized that there was a comma between each color. I went to school in West Texas with many Mexican Americans, so I wondered why there was no brown in that song. I’m sure the musician who wrote that song couldn’t find a way to work in that color. I certainly would have.

I’ve been thinking about the coming year and about where I would like to travel. A good friend of mine is doing a road trip as we speak in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. The texts that she has sent me say that it is truly beautiful weather, and the scenery is gorgeous. I expected that since I did that trip years ago with my family. Driving trips are great if the driver will plan ahead for lodging and include many stops at McDonalds or somewhere along the way.

Now that I am a “stay at home for a while person,” I shall get lots of quilting done, I am sure. I went to the Ocean Wave Quilters Guild meeting the second Friday of November at The Players Community Center on Landrum Ln. at 10:00. What a fantastic group of ladies! Their “sew and tell” time was awesome. Eleanor Stephan, pictured here, showed the most beautiful hospice quilts that I have seen. Eleanor is a prolific quilter and loves to share her talents with the group.

For ones of you who don’t know, the Guild members work on small quilts all year for people in the care of Hospice of Northeast Florida. Every year since 2003, the Guild has donated at least a 100 quilts at their Christmas luncheon to this organization. On Dec. 4, they shall be doing this again. This will bring the number of quilts donated to 1,200 quilts. Does that get your attention?

If not, let me also remind you that this is the group along with many members of the residential area, The Plantation, who donated 600 heart shaped pillows last February to the Hospice program. That project was started in 2007 and each year, the number of pillows finished on that day gets larger. Truly amazing!

Anyone wishing to help with these two worthy projects may attend the Guild meeting the second Friday in Jan. 2016 and start the New Year off right by doing something for others. Donating one’s time and energy to a worthy cause is so rewarding. Anyone who has had a loved one in the Hospice program understands the necessity for bringing a little sunshine into the patient’s life. A beautiful quilt or a beautiful heart-shaped pillow will do this.

Hope to see you Jan. 8 at the Ocean Wave Quilters Guild meeting. You’ll be so blessed for being there, I’m sure.

Happy Thanksgiving!