Acupuncturists to provide free treatment for military personnel


Local acupuncturists are joining forces to provide free acupuncture treatments for veterans, active military personnel, reservists and their families this Veterans’ Day.

The first of its kind in the Beaches area, the event will be held Nov. 11 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Palms Presbyterian Church. Its focus is to provide treatment proven to address many effects of trauma from which veterans suffer but are unable to receive effective care within the military medical system. Organizers will allow space for attendees to socialize before and after treatment.

As part of a nationwide initiative, the event aims to expose service personnel and veterans to the benefits of acupuncture for ailments such as pain relief, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, insomnia and other issues. The non-pharmacological therapy works with medication and counseling, practitioners say.

For more information, contact Sandy Bennett at (904) 568-8238 or