Penny Kennedy’s kindergarten class at Ocean Palms Elementary School in Ponte Vedra met their Box Tops for Education challenge.
The Box Tops for Education program was created by General Mills to help support education and benefit America’s schools. Additional food and non-food brands now participate in the program. Box Top certificates are clipped from packaging and redeemed for money used for needed school equipment and supplies. OPE will use these funds to help reach its aggressive goal of replacing older desktop computers with 2-in-1 convertible laptops that can be converted into touch-screen tablets. These devices allow for greater flexibility and for students to use them at their desks.
Kennedy’s class eagerly accepted the school-wide challenge of not only clipping Box Tops at home, but also receiving Box Tops from all 50 states as recorded by cancelled envelopes. These kindergartners collected over 1,500 Box Tops this quarter, more than any other class at OPE.
Every student in this class found a way to bring in a letter from a different state and worked together as a team to meet their goal. In order to receive Box Tops from every state, one student wrote to police departments and another student made a video sent to friends of his mother requesting participation.
A police department in Kentucky responded not only with Box Tops, but also a future job offer! Michelle Freck’s second grade students helped these kindergartners track their progress on maps.