Caregiver, insurance expert launches ClaimMedic to assist with medical billing issues


Founded by Mary Daniel, ClaimMedic helps patients and caregivers verify and manage their medical bills, which sometimes may be confusing and inaccurate. Drawing on her 25 years of experience in medical billing, her background as a patient insurance liaison and her personal experience as a caregiver to a spouse with Alzheimer’s disease, Daniel decided to create ClaimMedic after receiving numerous medical bills that contained errors and having to fight for herself through a confusing system that’s not patient-friendly.

“Even as an expert, I found that I was exhausted and frustrated with the errors and the time it took to manage payments and insurance,” Daniel said. “I knew I could help patients as their advocate.”

So determined was Daniel in her quest to help patients that she helped change the law in Florida governing patient advocate services such as ClaimMedic. Previously, licensed insurance agents were not allowed to represent clients with medical billing issues. Working with state Rep. Travis Cummings, however, Daniel helped expand the state’s public adjuster law. On July 1, the state adopted changes to the law to allow licensed health insurance agents to represent clients.

ClaimMedic, Daniel said, is comprised of medical claims specialists who are licensed health insurance agents experienced in helping patients and caregivers get their insurance companies to pay claims. ClaimMedic agents can also discover erroneous bills that are more common in today’s medical market maze.

The Department of Labor estimates that 200 million claims out of the 1.4 billion submitted yearly in the United State are initially denied. The reasons can range from a simple paperwork error, such as an incorrect code, to a wrongful denial based on inadequate information or diagnosis.

Working with their clients, ClaimMedic’s patient billing advocates organize, analyze and verify medical bills to ensure accuracy. The company offers two levels of service – contingency-based auditing of past medical bills and payment recovery due to errors as well as fee-based monthly management and review services.