Shreyas Cheran, 19, was recently announced as an Emperor Science Award recipient. The Emperor Science program is designed to offer high school students an opportunity to explore careers in cancer research and care through various mentoring opportunities.
PBS and Stand up to Cancer, a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation, received nearly 600 applications from eligible sophomore and junior students in 28 states throughout the U.S. who are interested in pursuing a career in science research. Prominent scientists served as judges and evaluated the students’ applications, which included: written essays submitted online addressing how cancer has affected them and their communities; how science can help find a cure and what scientific fields they want to study should they become cancer researchers.
Cheran was one of 100 Emperor Science Award recipients who will work with an esteemed university scientist on a multi-week cancer research project. Recipients will also receive a $1,500 stipend for expenses and a Google Chromebook computer to enhance their studies and allow for mentor access to students who live at a distance from a research facility. Those entering the program for the first year can apply for a second year.
Students from rural, suburban and urban communities in 28 states comprise the third class of Emperor Science Awardees. The students demonstrated awareness of emerging developments in cancer treatment, including precision medicine, immunotherapy and epigenetics. They have a range of research focuses and interests including nanotechnology and engineering, basic cellular biology, gene mapping, bioinformatics, DNA splicing and computational sciences.