Citizen’s task force calls for full PV-PV traffic study


The Ponte Vedra-Palm Valley Citizens Traffic Task Force (CTTF), comprised of citizens and community leaders from throughout the Ponte Vedra/Palm Valley area, is working with St. Johns County, Florida Department of Transportation and the regional Transportation Planning Organization to seek funding for a study to determine solutions to what is perceived as rapidly growing traffic congestion in the area.

The Citizens Traffic Task Force was formed in late 2014 with the goal of helping develop community consensus around the long-term traffic and roadway needs in Ponte Vedra and Palm Valley. The roadway system in the PVPV area has seen no major improvements since the mid-1980s. Although county and FDOT planning studies over the past 20 years identified the future need to widen portions of the corridors SR A1A, CR 210 and CR 210A, no significant capacity improvements were planned due to community concerns and resistance.

Meanwhile, St. Johns County continues to attract residents due to our high quality of life. Although the Ponte Vedra/Palm Valley area east of the Intracoastal Waterway has not seen significant population change, population growth outside our area has been significant and is estimated to continue to grow. Additionally, changing demographics and driving patterns within our own area appear to be a contributing factor to the traffic congestion on our roadways.

While growth has its benefits, many community members believe it has begun to dramatically impact our quality-of-life.

“Traffic congestion at key intersections has become the new normal,” said Jim Sabo, President of the Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition. “Traffic volume has picked up even on the side streets as motorists try to avoid the bottlenecks. Making matters worse, current government funding for local roadway improvements is below even maintenance levels and funding for new roadways is currently non-existent.”

The CTTF Board, anchored by representatives from the civic and large homeowner’s associations, includes representatives from the Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition, the Ponte Vedra Community Association, the Palm Valley Community Association, the Ponte Vedra Municipal Service District, the North Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition and representatives from the Sawgrass, Marsh Landing and Player’s Club homeowner’s associations.

For more information on the CTTF contact Jim Sabo at 904-254-2653.