Community leaders earn tips at local restaurants for Big Brothers Big Sisters


Community leaders participating in the 22nd Annual Tips for Kids Sake campaign at restaurants in Ponte Vedra raised more than $4,600 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Johns County.

“Celebrity waiters” following the theme of “legendary rock stars” served patrons at Aqua Grill and Bogey Grille on two separate occasions in February, donating their tips to the nonprofit organization.

“Our celebrity waiters really are who make this a success,” said Teresa Andrews, Big Brothers Big Sisters program director. “We are so appreciative of all their hard work.”

At Bogey Grille, celebrity waiters included Vincent Grassia, Bruce Jones, Lorraine Dorsa, Kevin Flanigan, George McCaughan and David Dunlap from the Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach, and Cathy Stupski, Jeanette Edwards and Lynn Wilkinson from The Bolles School. At Aqua Grill, servers included Eden Kendall of 99.9 Gator Country; Brian Anderson of Fluffy Cuts; Katy Haley of the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce ambassadors program; and Michael Lenahen, Jeff Brecko, Bryant Eulenfeld and Julie Shafer of Aurora Custom Builders.

More than 150 celebrity waiters participated across 25 restaurants in St. Johns County and raised over $74,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters in total, ultimately supporting the organization’s efforts to provide mentors to hundreds of local children.