County Commissioner Bill McClure to run for Congress 


St. Johns County Commissioner Bill McClure is running to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw in the 4th congressional district.

McClure, a conservative businessman, cited his background in both government and the private sector as the right experience needed to represent the newly configured 4th congressional district, which includes portions of Duval, Nassau and St. Johns counties.

“Congress is broken – and electing the same kind of career politicians who are focused on what’s politically correct won’t fix it,” McClure said. “That’s why we need someone who’s done more than just run for re-election. We need someone with a proven record in the private sector of tackling tough problems, speaking their mind and creating jobs to build a bright future for our children and grandchildren.”

McClure noted that as a St. Johns County commissioner, he demonstrated his conservative principles by casting the deciding vote against a referendum to increase the sales tax. During his tenure as a commissioner, he said, St. Johns County has added more than 11,000 new jobs and improved its bond rating from AA- to AA+.

“I’ve shown what you can accomplish when you apply conservative principles to government,” he said. “Whether it’s securing our borders, ending the threat of radical Islamic terrorism or making our economy grow again, another career politician won’t get the job done. I’m a businessman who will make the right decisions, even if they are politically incorrect. Our nation’s future is too important for anything else.”

McClure’s professional background includes serving as corporate vice president and institutional investor for E.F. Hutton. He has also helped start three health care IT firms – examples, he said, of his first-hand experience in creating jobs.

“The last thing we need in Washington is another politician looking out for his next re-election or how to pay back one of his fat-cat lobbyist buddies,” McClure said. “That’s not how you do things in the real world. I’m running for Congress because I think we need a businessman, not another politician, to take on the serious challenges facing America.”