CTTF reveals Ponte Vedra Beach-Palm Valley traffic study results


Support of intersection improvements and disapproval of the widening of A1A from four to six lanes are among the results of traffic surveys the Citizens Traffic Task Force (CTTF) Board revealed to residents in a recent email.

The CTTF circulated the first of its two online traffic surveys in October, collecting input on short-term improvements that can be made to various intersections in Ponte Vedra Beach and Palm Valley that would improve traffic flow and safety. A second survey was circulated in mid-November asking for input on the widening of A1A and Mickler Road. Both surveys were developed by the CTTF Board to solicit feedback from area residents and businesses as a result of recommendations proposed in a recent study commissioned by St. Johns County and the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO).

According to the CTTF email to residents, a clear majority favors the intersection improvement recommendations and opposes the widening of SR A1A from four to six lanes. A slight majority, however, favors the widening of SR A1A from two to four lanes from Mickler Road to the south gate of Sawgrass Country Club.

In addition, a slight majority opposes the removal of the roundabout at CR 210 and Mickler Road. Meanwhile, a slight majority favors the widening of CR 210 from two to four lanes from the Palm Valley Bridge to SR A1A.

The CTTF Board said the two surveys received more than 1,500 individual community responses. The group added that the results have been shared with St. Johns County staff. According to the email, the board is scheduling a meeting in January with the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to present the survey results and discuss the steps necessary to achieve funding for the most critically needed improvements.