It took an assortment of wayward golf balls, uncleaned and unattended pools and a few near-catastrophic flood incidents to convince Shannon and Steve Moore to start Beaches Home Watch Services.
One such incident occurred on an unexpectedly stormy night when forceful winds and nonstop downpours led to a flooded pool at Shannon’s father’s home, flowing directly into the garage where a battery maintainer was dangerously close to the rising water.
While the Moores were able to pump the water from the garage, the experience made them recognized the need for a home watch service in the community.
“It’s what made us realize that people need peace of mind when they’re away from their homes for long periods, months at a time,” Shannon Moore said. “Because when these things happen and you’re not around to check on it, if the issue sits for that amount of time then the damage could be a lot more extensive.”
To remedy the situation, the two founded Beaches Home Watch Services.
The Ponte Vedra-based business offers a variety of services for homeowners going away or those visiting vacation homes. In addition to conducting interior and exterior inspections to check for damage wrought by storms or vandals, the company checks for non-working appliances or leaks, collects special deliveries, and provides light maintenance and concierge services along with emergency weather service and vehicle maintenance. Rates vary by property and frequency of visits, but Moore says services will start from $20 per visit.
The couple had watched homes for relatives and friends in the past, and after seeing other neighbors’ homes sitting unattended, felt that they could be of help to the community by offering a service not easily found elsewhere.
“It’s a useful service to have,” said Moore. “We’ve seen a lot of window damage from golf balls, untended lawns and other things while our own neighbors have been away that we wished we could’ve helped with if we had access to their property.”
Moore says their combination of family-oriented practice and accreditation through the National Home Watch Association set them apart from other services. In addition, the couple intends to donate 10 percent of the business’s earning to another organization that brings people “peace of mind,” K9s for Warriors.
“Our business is designed to keep homeowners at peace, so we want to extend that to the community,” she said. “We want people to feel as if they can relax while they’re away, knowing we’re looking after their homes.”