Guest Column

Fun in the summertime on the H2O


Our area is rich with many of the coolest options to get “out on the water.” The best part is that we live here and don’t have to pack for a long trip! This summer is the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy all that our area and nature have to offer.

Boating, kayaking, SUP (stand-up paddleboarding), jet skiing, swimming, fishing, lounging, exploring springs or tidal pools, or stopping off on a sandbar are just a few of the endless opportunities for fun, relaxation and adventure on the water!

Why is water important and why are we drawn to the water? Approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, approximately 50%-75% of the human body is made up of water and being on the water is proven to be beneficial to our general health and is peaceful and refreshing for the soul. Water is life!

Among the fun ways to experience the water this summer is by taking a boat out for a spin. Whether you have your own boat or rent one for the day, there's nothing quite like the feeling of cruising along the water with the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. You can explore new areas, discover hidden coves and even try your hand at fishing or other water sports like skiing, wakeboarding, etc.

For those looking for another water adventure, kayaking is a great option. Kayaking allows you to get up close and personal with nature, as you paddle through calm waters, navigate through narrow channels and explore secluded beaches. It's a great way to get some exercise while also enjoying the peace and serenity of the water. This option offers the perfect way to unwind and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

One of the best parts of spending time on the water this summer is the chance to experience new things and create lasting memories. To make getting outdoors even easier, if you do not have your own gear or are just looking for someone to explore with, check out Amelia Island Kayak Excursions for kayaking, SUP, or private motorboat tours.

As a local family-owned/operated, multi-award-winning business, with their fun and professional guides, they enjoy providing authentic experiences for their guests. Guests can explore the stunning waterways of Amelia Island, Cumberland Island and the surrounding areas. They offer kids and teen summer camps too! Also, they have been consistently rated as the No. 1 kayaking company in the area for over a decade. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful solo adventure or a fun group outing, I recommend Amelia Island Kayak Excursions.

So don’t let the 2024 summer get away from you! Make a list of your summertime goals, grab your family and friends, pack your sunscreen and snacks, and head out for a day of fun and adventure on the water. Take advantage of living in such a special place where there are so many options to enjoy the waterways right in your own “backyard.” What are you waiting for?

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