Girl Scouts of Gateway Council launches extended-year membership program


Girl Scouts of Gateway Council recently launched a new extended-year membership program. For the first time, those joining Girl Scouts of Gateway Council can register this summer without paying an additional membership fee in the fall.

“Through this extended-year membership opportunity, new Girl Scouts and those wishing to enroll as troop members can seamlessly transition from a summer glimpse of Girl Scouts to a traditional fall troop experience," said Mary Anne Jacobs, Gateway Council CEO. “This opportunity is a chance to sign up for Girl Scouts early, without having to renew your membership once fall enrollment begins."

With adventures at Girl Scout summer camp around the corner, the extended-year membership provides girls that have not yet joined the group a convenient way to enroll in the camp and in Girl Scouts during the same season. New girls and troop members enrolling in Girl Scouts before July 31 are eligible for the extended-year membership offer. 

At Girl Scouts of Gateway Council, girls are encouraged to discover their inner G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-Taker, Leader)™ and work together to change the world. Girls learn to thrive by developing a key sense of self, identifying and solving problems, seeking challenges and learning from setbacks. Experiences encourage girls to lead by example and make the world a better place.

“The idea behind extended-year membership is for girls to get started on their Girl Scout adventure in the summer and then stay engaged for the rest of the year where they can continue to develop into the next generation of female leaders,” said Jacobs.

For more information on the extended-year membership, or to take advantage of this membership opportunity, visit or contact TriciaRae Stancato at or (904) 421-3484.