Veteran horror writer Will Ludwigsen will share tips for aspiring writers with a presentation of “Getting Personal with Horror” at the Florida Writer’s Association Ponte Vedra Writers meeting Saturday, Jan. 28 at 10:30 a.m. at the Ponte Vedra Library.
Ludwigsen’s short story collection, “In Search Of and Others,” was a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award, and the writer pens horror fiction for magazines such as Weird Tales, Asimov’s Science Fiction and Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine.
Ludwigsen’s workshop aims to address common errors in beginner horror story writers, such as writing according to fears they believe are universal.
“In horror, the specific is the universal,” he said. “And in my workshop we’ll examine some of the ways to create that tightening sense of forces aiming straight for us.”
Participants will learn a variety of specific techniques during this workshop, including how to develop characters uniquely attuned to a story’s terrors, how to depict characters efficiently and how to describe the terrors they encounter in personal terms.
The Ponte Vedra Writers group is part of the Florida Writers Association, a statewide, non-profit organization with nearly 1,500 members dedicated to the support of both aspiring and published writers in any genre. All meetings are free and open to members and non-members. For more information on FWA visit