Hurricane preparedness: Hurricane supply checklist


Hurricane preparedness: Hurricane supply checklist

Last year’s hurricane season saw more than 10 named storms, including the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since 2005, Hurricane Matthew. June 1 marks the official start of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season – and as with every year, preparation is key.

Basic supplies

Water: Plan on having at least one gallon of water per person in the household per day for at least three days. In the event that water is contaminated or cut off, these gallons can be used for hydration and sanitation. Water purification kits such as tablets, iodine and filtered pitchers may also be handy. Keep an additional supply of water for mixing formula, and store containers for water to be used for flushing and bathing.

Nonperishable food: Collect food items that don’t require refrigeration and have a long shelf life such as canned goods with high serving proportions, fruit preserved in juice, dehydrated meals, granola bars and cereal. Put away enough food for at least three days alongside a non-electric can opener, propane for gas grills and disposable tableware.

 First Aid kit: A basic first aid kit should contain sterile dressings, antibiotic ointment, sterile and non-latex gloves, adhesive bandages, scissors and antibiotic cleaning agents.

Medication: Keep prescription medication such as insulin, heart and high blood pressure medications, hearing aids and other medicines needed daily with glasses, contact lenses and solution and non-prescription medications like antacids, ibuprofen and other pain relievers.

Electronic supplies: Charge and pack cellphones with portable power bank chargers carrying universal plugs (for USB, USB-C and Lightning Port devices). Put a flashlight with extra, compatible batteries where they are most accessible, and keep a portable radio (battery-powered or hand crank) that can be tuned to a weather advisory channel.

Personal hygiene products: Set aside toiletries such as towels, toothbrushes and soap, as well as personal hygiene products, sunscreen and hand sanitizer.


Safety and sanitation products: Keep bleach, a fire extinguisher, tarp, signal flare, utility knives, a whistle, and a generator in a safe location where they can be accessed in the event of an emergency.

Additional supplies

Diapers and formula: Keep handy diapers, baby wipes and baby formula.

Paper products: Pack paper products such as tissue, toilet paper and disposable paper plates.

Family documents: Tightly pack important and irreplaceable family documents such as identification, bank account records, insurance policies in waterproof, portable containers Family documents (ID, bank records, insurance policies) in a waterproof, portable container.

Bedding: Set aside a supply of blankets or sleeping bags, pillows, tents and lawn chairs.

Clothing: Prepare at least one complete change of clothing per person, including sturdy shoes, rain gear and a long-sleeved shirt.

Entertainment: Keep portable video games, books, toys or other activities to entertain children in the event of a power outage.