Handling one’s finances can be challenging for some people, but the everyday tasks of paying bills or balancing a checkbook can be particularly daunting for seniors.
One local resident is targeting that group, offering her services for typical everyday financial activities for seniors who may need a helping hand.
Heather Jackson – a Jacksonville Beach resident who has lived and worked in the Beaches community for more than 20 years – launched Jackson Personal Financial Services, LLC after realizing a need she could fill in the community.Prior to starting her own personal financial services business, Jackson worked in the financial world as both a private banker and a commercial banker as well as a career in senior health care. With her new venture, Jackson effectively merged those two career paths.
The main application of her enterprise is to guide seniors in their financial endeavors – from routine activities such as bill paying and reconciling to offering her services as a financial assistant.
“My goal is to help clients maintain their independency by helping manage their day-to- day personal finances in a trusted and comfortable environment,” Jackson said.
Services offered include bill and deposit management, where Jackson can assist seniors in setting up and maintaining a bill paying system; verifying the validity of charges on bills; and preparing and making deposits as well as expense tracking, reconciling, mail management services and tax organization.
Jackson pledges customized services individually tailored to each of her client’s needs. With mobility being an issue for some seniors, Jackson will come to them, setting up a time to meet that’s convenient with her client – typically on the same day every week or every other week to maintain consistency so her clients will know when to expect her.
The benefit of her services, Jackson said, is oftentimes it will allow seniors – particularly seniors who have health challenges - to stay independent and in their homes while simultaneously giving family members, who may not live in the same city or state, peace of mind that someone trustworthy is available to keep an eye on their loved ones. In fact, Jackson has found that much of the time it’s the family members who end up referring clients to her.
Jackson stressed that her services do not replace the role of a financial planner, an accountant or an attorney, nor does she possess check signing authority. Her role is strictly to support all of those functions by helping coordinate information to give to those individuals and to be an advocate for her client.
In addition to senior services, Jackson said she feels her services could be of use to busy professionals who travel frequently, recent divorcees, individuals going through a temporary medical crisis, or to someone who has recently lost a spouse.
“If someone is recently widowed and the spouse was the primary bill payer, I can assist in helping with that transition,” Jackson said. “My job doesn’t have to be long-term; my job can be to help educate the spouse and to help them get organized because they are probably experiencing a very emotional mind frame during the loss and trying to pick up the pieces.”
For more information about Jackson Personal Financial Services, call (904) 699-3728 or visit www.jacksonpersonalfinancialservices.com.