Kathy’s Gardening Guide: The Rainy Season!


Mother Nature has been generous with water lately! What does this mean for your landscape?

High levels of rain and humidity can cause an increase of insects and fungus in lawns as well as on flowers and plants. There are many products on the market to help control fungus and garden pests. It can be overwhelming when you see all of the options, but keep in mind a general rule of thumb: One chemical product can be used for each category of pests:

  • Insecticide: Malathion — used on fruits, vegetables, landscaping and shrubs to control pests
  • Fungicide: Daconil — used to treat more than 75 diseases on flowers, landscaping and trees (fruit and shade)
  • Neem Oil is an organic option — be sure to apply it more frequently than the chemical alternatives.

There are more natural ways to treat pests and fungus in the garden, but they require extra attention and continuous effort. This home remedy is beneficial short term if you are waiting on professional help. You may need to be apply this solution weekly for best results:

DIY Organic Spray: 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil plus 1 teaspoon of nonantibacterial liquid dishwashing detergent. Mix with one gallon of water and spray on affected plants.

Because overwatering and high humidity can cause the growth of fungus in lawns, consider limiting your irrigation system during periods of frequent heavy rains. It is recommended to seek professional advice if your lawn needs treatment. There are several types of sod used in our area, and treatments can be specific to certain types of sod. You want to be sure that the treatment you choose is most effective for your lawn.

After the rainy season, the appearance of fungus and pests will naturally decline, and you can return to more enjoyment and less treatment in your landscape. Hang in there!

Happy gardening!

Flower of the Week: Portulaca Moss Rose

Please email Kathy at kcg.pvr@gmail.com for any questions or gardening tips you would like to see in the future. For more information and ideas, visit Kathy’s Creative Gardens & Nursery, 196 N. Roscoe Blvd. The phone number is 904-655-7373.