Alice B. Landrum Middle School assistant principal Gina Middaugh has been nominated for the 2017-2018 national LifeChanger of the Year award.
Sponsored by the National Life Group Foundation, LifeChanger of the Year recognizes and rewards the very best K-12 educators and school district employees across the United States who are making a difference in the lives of students by exemplifying excellence, positive influence and leadership. Middaugh was nominated by an anonymous member of the community.
"Ms. Middaugh is a highly qualified administrator who exemplifies high moral and ethical standards in her work life, as well as her personal life," the nominator said. "She is a wife, mother, foster mother, daughter, sister and an incredible friend."
Middaugh’s roles and responsibilities include creating student schedules and monitoring the lunch room, getting students on their buses or in their cars in the carpool line and managing the state and district testing for over 1,300 students. She also plays a significant role in planning St. Johns County School District’s annual 5K.
Each school year, LifeChanger of the Year receives hundreds of nominations from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Seventeen individual LifeChanger of the Year awards will be given during the 2017-2018 school year. The grand prize winner will receive $10,000 to be shared with his/her school/district. Grand prize finalists will receive $5,000, and LifeChanger award winners will receive $3,000. Awards are also given for nominees whose community demonstrates the most support for their nomination (Spirit Award), as well as personnel in a specific discipline, such as a secretary.
Winners are announced via surprise award ceremonies held at their schools. The grand prize finalists will also be honored at a national awards ceremony in spring 2018 in Bermuda, where the Grand Prize Winner will be revealed.
To view Middaugh’s LifeChanger of the Year nominee profile, or to nominate someone, visit