Local author’s books focus on emotional intelligence


Published author, professional coach and corporate trainer Karen D. Nutter has launched two new books and training methods through her business, CBK Advising.

Nutter is based in Atlantic Beach, and her publications focus on emotional intelligence and working and living in a tumultuous world to develop the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions, and finding harmony during difficult times.

According to Nutter, people with high emotional intelligence can recognize their own emotions and those of others, use the correct information to guide thinking and behavior, discern between different feelings, label them appropriately and adjust emotions to adapt to environments. Her books cover wisdom and practical exercises as readers learn to let go of fear, develop knowing and acceptance, and the practices necessary to find inner peace through chaos.

Based on years of coaching executives, managers, and individuals from all walks of life, Nutter’s teachings are designed for simplicity in relatable terms as she draws on her own expertise and as a business executive in sales and marketing. She helps professionals and company teams to understand themselves and others so they can create rewarding interactions personally and professionally.

Nutter focuses on brain and emotional health while developing steps and methods to assess how people can feel and operate more positively going into the New Year, and beyond. Especially with the uncertainty of the future with COVID and resulting practices in the workplace and at home.

“No matter what happens in the world around us, we need new opportunities to create a stronger, more engaged and productive business and personal life to help us achieve goals in 2022,” she said.

Nutter’s books, “Finding Contentment in a Chaotic World” and “The Power of EQ: Stronger Leadership through Emotional Intelligence,” offer a variety of methods and techniques to improve organizational and personal culture, leadership development, professional engagement and communication.

Nutter offers free tips and guided meditations and a free E-book on active listening, along with links to accessing her books, and references to additional resources on her website, https://cbkadvising.com and under, Resources.

For more information, call 904-323-2946 or email Karen@CBKAdvising.com.