At the Feb. 12 Ponte Vedra Beach Municipal Service District (MSD) board meeting, Chairman Gary Jurenovich assigned areas of responsibility to his fellow trustees for 2018.
Trustee Greg Wong, who has decided not to run for re-election, will close out his term managing communications. Trustee Kitty Switkes will assist Wong with communications and take on the MSD’s relationship with JEA. Over the past year, Switkes has overseen landscaping and beach renourishment.
Trustee Brad Wester will retain his responsibility of maintaining the MSD’s beach accesses and will also manage the district’s relationship with Beaches Energy. In addition to beach accesses, Wester was responsible for JEA over the past year.
Vice Chairman John Cellucci will continue managing the MSD’s relationship with Republic Services and will add landscaping to his plate. Trustee Murle Harrison will oversee Road and Bridge, and Treasurer John Wegl will oversee the MSD’s finances.
Jurenovich will continue to manage the district’s relationship with the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office and oversee anything to do with the community’s street signs.
In a phone interview after the MSD meeting, Jurenovich told the Recorder that beach renourishment will be collectively managed by the board moving forward.
“The MSD and all of the trustees need to be more involved in the beach renourishment program to coordinate together,” he said. “Anything going on with beach renourishment will be a discussion by the board.”