New traffic survey available for Ponte Vedra Beach residents until April 8


The time has come once again for the Ponte Vedra Beach Citizens Traffic Task Force to conduct a community survey in response to the growing conversations and issues revolving around traffic and roadway infrastructure in the area.

According to CTTF vice president Greg Leonard, 20 years ago, the Florida Department of Transportation had the funds in place to expand State Road A1A into six lanes, but due to the local community voicing their opinions against it the project did not go forward and the money was used elsewhere.

However, although the idea to six-lane is still not a popular one in the eyes of Leonard and the CTTF, there has also been a realization that there are different ways that can be taken to help with the seemingly increases of traffic flow along the local roadways.

“A lot has changed over the years with population increases and the CTTF is fully aware of that,” Leonard said.

Leonard stressed that the goal of the CTTF is not only to come up with solutions with better traffic flow in mind, but also heavily factors in ideas that will also create the safest routes for those traveling them.

“The last traffic study was done five years ago, so it’s reached that time for a new one,” Leonard said. “We’re doing our best to get as much input as we can from those who travel and live along these roads.”

As a result, Leonard urged the importance of getting as many people as possible within the Ponte Vedra Beach community to take the time to fill out the survey, because their input will go a long way him helping determine what the future of the local roadways will look like.

The survey is anonymous, and the results and feedback given will be presented to the St. Johns County Commission for their consideration.

The latest CTTF survey was made available online to the public March 15 through email lists gathered by the Ponte Vedra Municipal Service District, Ponte Vedra Community Association, Palm Valley Community Association, Ponte Vedra Beaches Coalition, Ponte Vedra Lakes Owner’s Association, along with the homeowner’s associations of Sawgrass, Marsh Landing, Player’s Club and Plantation at Ponte Vedra Beach.

Residents or businesses who do not belong to one of the communities mentioned are encouraged to participate by going to to fill out the survey.

The deadline to complete the survey is April 8. It consists of 12 questions and will take an estimated four minutes to complete.

CTTF was created in 2014 and since then has collaborated with leaders from St. Johns County, the state legislation, and the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization.

This includes, the CTTF helping to facilitate construction of key intersection improvements recommended by a Ponte Vedra Beach/Palm Valley traffic study completed in 2017 which analyzed roadway conditions from J. Turner Butler Boulevard in the north and stretching south to Mickler Road, as well as, from A1A to the intracoastal waterway.

“We’re just a board of community residents doing our part,” Leonard said. “Traffic is something that’s on everybody’s radar, and it’s something we all have to deal with on a daily basis. We’re just trying to ensure that our voices are heard.”