One of Us: Abigail Levrini


Dr. Abigail Levrini is a licensed clinical psychologist and ADHD specialist. In 2008, Dr. Levrini founded Psych Ed Connections, a private practice specializing in ADHD coaching and cognitive-behavioral treatment for children and adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Levrini, her husband and their two daughters – Evie, 5 and Reese, 3 – relocated from the Washington, D.C. area to Ponte Vedra last August. Levrini recently opened a Ponte Vedra Psych Ed Connections location in the Town Plaza Offices at Nocatee. Operations at the new Ponte Vedra location are based on the same principles of her other practices. The location also offers tutoring services for all kids, including children with special needs.

Where are you from originally?
I am from outside of Washington, D.C. in a suburb of northern Virginia. I was born and raised there but kind of traveled all around doing my schooling and all those sorts of things. Then I settled back [in Virginia] in 2008, which is where I actually started my practice.

How many Psych Ed Connection locations are there now?
I still have three locations up in northern Virginia that are still active. I’m sort of running things from a distance for that practice, and then I started this one down here. The Kentucky location is headed by a good friend from graduate school who has her own practice in Kentucky. They’ve kind of adopted our ADHD coaching piece as part of the services that they offer there.

What inspired you to open another location here in Ponte Vedra?

We have the ADHD coaching which is teaching kids and adults with ADHD coping skills as well as parents ways to manage it at home, but that’s just one piece. We have the psychoeducational diagnostic testing and psychotherapy – and tutoring is actually our last piece because it’s a real close connection, I think, from the world of psychology to the world of education and how we approach teaching our kids.

What other features would you say make your practice stand out?

Something that I think makes us stand out is I don’t have an administrative assistant. You might get a voicemail but I always call you back within 24 hours. I’m the first point of contact. I make sure I talk through everything beforehand with people. I’ve always just really valued that customer service and that connection.

Tell me about the two books you have published.
They were both written with the American Psychological Association. One is a self-help book for adults with ADHD and the other is actually a guide for professionals [covering] how to do treatment with ADHD.

What made you want to go into this field?
Wanting to put positive change out into the world as best I could on my individual level, and wanting to have a greater purpose and just put something positive out there. I couldn’t be happier.