Rotary Youth Exchange students visit Ponte Vedra Recorder


Two international students visiting the United States as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Program toured The Ponte Vedra Recorder last week for a look at how newspapers are produced in America.

Managing Editor Jennifer Logue gave students Arthur De Lima Tanure of Brazil and Candice Huang of Taiwan a tour of the Recorder’s editorial and advertising operations before explaining how an issue of the Recorder is produced from reporting and design through the final printing process. The students also learned about the Recorder’s other publications, including the bimonthly First Coast Register social magazine, special weekly supplements and annual publications such as the Living Here relocation guide and the popular Insider’s Guide to THE PLAYERS Championship.

Both De Lima Tanure and Huang have been studying at Ponte Vedra High School during the 2016-2017 school year as part of Rotary Youth Exchange. Each year, Rotary sends approximately 9,000 students around the world through the exchange program. During the past year, 21 students from 19 countries have been visiting the First Coast, while 26 local students have been studying abroad in 16 countries.