Students take part in Girls State summer program


Hundreds of high school juniors and seniors traveled out to Tallahassee for a week-long summer leadership and citizenship programs as part of the Girls State initiative.

The trip to the capital is an opportunity to high school students who will be entering their senior year this fall.

Of the 300 delegates that were invited to attend the programs, nine were selected by the American Legion Unit 129 in Jacksonville Beach and represent Nease and Fletcher high schools.

Those selected were chosen based on their demonstration of leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service in their schools and community.

“Merit and ability were the basis for selection,” said Candace Mabry, Girls State Chair with Unit 129.

The goal of the programs is to teach objective training focusing on the structure of city, county, and state governments operated by students elected to various offices.

That process includes attendees taking part in a scenario as if they were citizens and creating a mythical state called Seminole, which is divided into 12 cities and six counties.

Students are then assigned to the Nationalist or Federalist Party, so that they experience a two-party political system like the American government.

They experienced all the aspects of the process including political campaigns, debates and crafting bills, while learning the impact and roles that take shape within a democratic society.

Instruction was also presented on law, court systems, parliamentary procedure, and Florida political history.