Temple Bet Yam of St. Augustine will hold a membership fair and open house for new and prospective members Sunday, Sept. 11.
Founded in 1993 by 14 families, the Reform congregation led by Rabbi Fred Raskind is now home to 115 families of traditional and interfaith backgrounds from St. Johns and surrounding counties. Services are held twice a month, with additional holiday observances and special events.
TBY also has a religious school directed by Heather Naughton and a variety of groups and activities such as Men’s Club, Sisterhood Social Justice, Life-Long Learning, choir and social events.
The membership fair/open house will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. Wine and cheese will be served. Temple Bet Yam is located at 2055 Wildwood Drive in St. Augustine. For more information, call (904) 819-1875 or visit templebetyam.org.