Water main break occurs on Corona Road


Also discussed at the Ponte Vedra Beach Municipal Service District (MSD) meeting on Jan. 8, a 10-inch water main break occurred at 28 Corona Road on Friday, Jan. 5.

According to JEA media relations manager Gerri Boyce, the utility received a call about the water main break at approximately 5:30 p.m. from St. Johns County Fire Rescue. Boyce said water was restored at 5 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 6, after JEA’s crew had to hand dig around cables and wires to install 21 feet of 10-inch pipe that was 4 feet deep. According to Boyce, the Environmental Outage Report has 100 residential customers who were in the outage area.

The JEA PR manager noted that there has been construction in the area for a new subdivision, but that the utility did not notice any evidence of damage.

Moving forward, Boyce said JEA will restore the area to include asphalt on Corona and on a new, unnamed street going into the new subdivision.