Guest Column

Five cataract myths debunked


A cataract is a cloudy area on the eye’s clear lens. Although cataracts are a normal part of aging, they are one of the most misunderstood medical conditions. Cataracts don't have to get in the way of doing the things you love. Stay informed of your eye health to catch symptoms early and know your treatment options.

Myth: Cataracts only affect seniors.

More than half of all Americans age 75 or older have experienced cataracts or undergone cataract surgery. However, age-related cataract issues can arise for individuals as young as 40. Cataracts often develop earlier in life, but symptoms aren’t noticed until later.

Cataracts can also develop from reasons other than age. For example, cataracts can be a direct result of eye injury or medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension. The disease can also form from certain medications or excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Myth: It takes months to recover from cataract surgery.

Recovery time after cataract surgery is usually fast. Most patients report that their vision is improved in as little as 24 hours, and some return to work within one to three days after surgery. Your vision will continue to improve in the weeks and months following your procedure. Complete cataract surgery recovery often occurs within four to six weeks.

Myth: Cataracts can grow back after surgery.

During cataract surgery, the eye’s cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens. Fortunately, these artificial lenses are not capable of cataract regrowth. What many patients don’t realize is how customized these lenses are to you. Everyone’s vision needs are unique, so we match you with the right lens for your lifestyle. Whether you struggle with astigmatism, night driving, or love to read or play golf, we tailor your procedure to give you the best vision outcomes that last the rest of your life.

Myth: Cataract surgery is painful and unsafe.

Cataract surgery is extremely safe and painless. It is one of the most highly performed surgical procedures in medicine, with a 95% success rate according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Risks exist with any surgery, but Florida Eye Specialists has a team of highly trained surgeons with decades of experience. We have performed over 75,000 successful cataract surgeries to date.

Myth: You’ll still have to wear glasses after cataract surgery.

With today’s advanced technology, cataract surgery can help you see better than ever and even say goodbye to glasses or contact lenses for good. For example, the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is a new cataract lens implant that can be adjusted after cataract surgery. This technology allows patients to test drive their vision and customize their prescription to their lifestyle, just like with glasses or contacts.

Schedule Your Annual Eye Exam

Regular eye exams are crucial to pinpoint developing cataract symptoms, no matter your age. This way, you can catch cataracts early and avoid more significant damage later in life. At Florida Eye Specialists, our dedicated team of eye doctors has helped thousands of patients in the Jacksonville area improve their vision and detect serious conditions in the early stages. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive exam and protect your sight for years to come.

Kenzo Koike, M.D., is a board-certified ophthalmologist at Florida Eye Specialists. For more information on Dr. Koike and his specialties in treating cataracts and glaucoma, visit or call 904-564-2020.