April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Across Jacksonville and Northeast Florida, organizations work diligently to stop child abuse and to help children and families make it through and overcome abuse. As I take the reins as incoming Board President for The Exchange Club Family Center of Northeast Florida (ECFC), I want to highlight their efforts to stop child abuse in Northeast Florida in the best way possible - by preventing it from happening.
For 23 years, The Exchange Club Family Center of Northeast Florida has provided in-home, Parent Aide services to families that are at risk of child abuse. Families are identified as at-risk by the Florida Department Of Children & Families, and are then referred to our program. Our social workers meet one-on-one with parents to teach them non-violent, nurturing parenting skills. And they work with the parents until those skills are second nature and children are out of potential danger.
I must mention that the efforts of The Exchange Club Family Center would not be possible without the work and determination of our outgoing Board President, Jack Morison, a Ponte Vedra resident. During his tenure, Jack headed up efforts to raise money and donations to make our organization run. With Jack’s help and guidance, The Exchange Club Family Center of Northeast Florida has been able to help thousands of families in Northeast Florida.
On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, we will host our 23rd Annual Child Abuse Prevention Luncheon & Conference at the Jacksonville Marriott, Salisbury Road. The Connecting The Dots To Prevent Child Abuse will focus on child abuse and human trafficking prevention in Northeast Florida. Organizations and non-profits on the front lines of prevention will come together to share what they are doing to fight both. (Visit www.exchangeclubfamilycenter.com for ticket information and details on speakers and panels.)
We hope you will join us to learn more about what is being done here in Jacksonville to prevent child abuse. We also hope you will help recognize the many organizations here in Jacksonville who help prevent child abuse and human trafficking, including: Florida Department of Children & Families, Family Support Services, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Child Guidance Center, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Her Song, Rethreaded, and many more! Without their efforts, many children would suffer needlessly.
Amanda Rolfe
Exchange Club Family Center
of Northeast Florida