Creating a checklist can help ease stress of moving


Packing up and moving can be a hectic and stressful time for everyone involved and for those preparing to move into a senior living community it is no different.

However, Beach House Assisted Living & Memory Care in Jacksonville Beach advises creating a checklist to make sure everything is in order prior to the move.

Before anything is even boxed up getting organized is the first step suggested because organization and having a plan in place can be a good way to make sure nothing is forgotten and that the move goes as smoothly as possible.

Hiring movers is recommended especially for senior citizens who may have physical limitations that would make moving themselves difficult.

Part of a move requires making sure all bills and services are transferred over to the person’s new address.

The proper address change is vital for not just family and friends but also for government departments, such as the social security administration.

Once one feels organized enough, packing for the move is the next step in the process and Beach House believes although being a major part of the prep work that it can be much smoother with a step-by-step approach.

When packing items for the move it is important to remember what items, if any, the assisted living community suggests, and it can be helpful to acquire a copy of the floor plan of the new place to get a better idea of what furniture will work best.

Each of these steps are designed to help take as much stress away from the moving process as possible, in the hopes of making moving day the happy occasion that it should be.

Sometimes packing things away can make it hard to find certain items in the days following a move.

That is why Beach House suggests having a “first day” box that is filled strictly with practical items like toiletries and sentimental items that are necessities and one of the first things to seek out and unpack.

Moving can be an emotional time for those involved and this can especially be the case when loved ones make the move from a place they have called home for some time.

Because of this, Beach House stresses the importance of being ready to lend a sympathetic ear and to let their loved ones know that they are there to help them with any emotions they encounter during the process.

That support can go a long way in not just making sure a move goes smoothly, but also that the foundation for a happy life in their new home is established because of the positive vibes during the moving experience.

Beach House Assisted Living & Memory Care is located at 1315 Second Ave. North in Jacksonville Beach and offers a living option for those looking to retire in the Jacksonville Beach area.

The facility provides assisted living, memory care and respite care.