The BookMark will host an event showcasing “Wednesdays With Frank: A Panegyric,” a memoir honoring writing mentor and Jacksonville native Frank Green on Friday, May 12 at 7 p.m.
New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry will discuss the book and Green will speak and answer questions during this event, which will also include the participation of several of the memoir’s contributors.
F. Armstrong Green’s pursuit of writing has led him through “The Sewanee Review” to the home of Katherine Anne Porter and the mentorship of the Bard Society, a writers’ workshop that has run for approximately 50 years. In “Wednesdays With Frank,” Bard Society members share their memories of Green, whose help was instrumental in their growth as writers. In the memoir, the members explore the facets of a man who acted as a mentor, leader and friend as they impart the knowledge he shared with them along the way. As Berry reports, “Those Wednesday nights were hell, but they were also where I, and many others, learned the craft of writing.”
The BookMark is located at 220 First St. in Neptune Beach. For more information, call (904) 241-9026.