Guest Column

Kathy’s Gardening Guide: Gardening Trivia


There is so much to learn about flowers and gardening! Test your knowledge with these fun trivia questions (answers below):

1. Which of these flowers is native to North America?

A) Chrysanthemum; B) Lotus; C) Marigold

2. Which of these insects is not considered beneficial to a garden?

A) Spiders; B) Grasshoppers; C) Ladybugs

3. How long can seeds remain dormant in the earth?

A) Years; B) One season; C) Months

4. What parts of plants are used to produce essential oils?

A) Seeds and petals; B) Roots and leaves; C) All of the above

5. What kind of plant is a flowering cherry tree?

A) Perennial; B) Shrub; C) Deciduous

6. Which process describes growing plants in partial light?

A) Etiolation; B) Phototropism; C) Photosynthesis

7. In what Florida city can you see a “love tree,” where two different species of trees grow in, on and through one another?

A) Cape Coral; B) St. Augustine; C) Melbourne

8. How do you protect plants from frost?

A) Cover them with a plastic tarp; B) Cover them with frost cloth; C) Put a space heater next to them

9. What is another name for geraniums?

A) Cranesbills; B) Cuttlefish; C) Redbeaks

10. Daisies grow natively on which continents?

A) Africa, North America and South America; B) Africa, Asia and Europe; C) All continents except Antarctica

11. How much of the blades of grass should you cut off in a single mowing?

A) One half; B) One third; C) Three quarters

12. What kind of tree loses its leaves in fall?

A) Deciduous; B) Annual; C) Evergreen

13. What type of garden do elephant ears and caladiums prefer?

A) Tropical garden; B) Water garden; C) Rock garden

14. What combination makes a natural weed killer?

A) Iron sulfate and baking soda; B) Epsom salts and lavender oil; C) White vinegar and dish soap

15. When is the best time of day to water a lawn?

A) Afternoon; B) Early morning; C) Evening

Flower of the Week: Gold Dust

Happy gardening!

Please email Kathy at for any questions or gardening tips you would like to see in the future. For more information and ideas, visit Kathy’s Creative Gardens & Nursery, 196 N. Roscoe Blvd. The phone number is 904-655-7373.


Gardening Trivia Answers

1. C) Marigold

2. B) Grasshoppers

3. A) Years

4. C) All of the above

5. C) Deciduous

6. A) Etiolation

7. B) St. Augustine

8. B) Cover them with frost cloth

9. A) Cranesbills

10. C) All continents except Antarctica

11. B) One third

12. A) Deciduous

13. A) Tropical garden

14. C) White vinegar and dish soap

15. B) Early morning